Ko Wai Matou - Our Story
Nurtured with ancestral wisdom, we are shapeshifters across space-time, tricksters of technology, poets, storytellers, and co-creators of new futures …
We are a proud team of Indigenous Maori (Te Aupouri, Te Whakatohea), Pacific (Tongan; Filipino), Asian (Singaporean, Pakistani) and European (Scottish, German) descent whose rich heritage provides an amazing tapestry of knowledge that gives our work a strong cultural foundation.
Our hakamana.ai team specialities include psychology and sociology, physics and mathematics, business and economics, modelling and engineering, and machine learning and AI. We have decades of experience working with organisations and Indigenous communities in Aotearoa, New Zealand, and around the world.
We ignite and empower traditional knowledge holders, contemporary scholars, practitioners, technologists, and scientists from Aotearoa, New Zealand, Australia, and the Pacific to shape and forge tomorrow's technologies today!
Join us to create culturally perceptive AI solutions to transform Maori, Pacific, and Indigenous communities into 21st-century powerhouses so that they can succeed and thrive.
Hakamana AI is supported by Pou Kapua Creations Trust, founded by Tania Haerekitera Wolfgramm and Wikuki Kingi, whose objective of Maori, Pacific, and Indigenous sovereignty spans traditional expression of Te Ao Maori such as whakairo, and contemporary technologies such as AI research tools.
Meet the hakamana.ai Team
Dr Tania Wolfgramm, PhD
Strategic Development
Mr Josiah Koh
Product Development
Dr Gerson Tuazon, PhD
Business Development
Mrs Johanna Burrell
Customer Engagement
Dr Vincent Wolfgramm-Russell, PhD
AI & ML Specialist
Mr Isaac Rolfe
Business & Technology Specialist
Mr Mak Khan
Solutions Engineer
Mr Wikuki Kingi, Tohunga Toi Ake
Native Scientist & Cultural Intelligence